Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Growing before my very lens...

Boy, how time flies! It seems like only yesterday I met this little man and his wonderful parents a few days after his arrival. Since then, I have had the chance to photograph him two more times. Take a look at how much of a difference seven months can make!




Monday, June 29, 2009

yo yo yo...

Hard to believe my little nug is turning the big 0-4 in just a few weeks. Here is the front of his invitation. We've decided to go old school with this party - no gigantic inflatables, no lavish cartoon character embellishments. Just the birthday boy, the kiddos on our street, some cake and a handful of classic party games - pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, musical chairs, water balloons, lawn jarts.... just kidding- I'm pretty sure those bad boys are illegal now.....


Saturday, June 27, 2009

sweetness with a capital S....

Just had the opportunity to photograph the sweetest little guy and his beautiful parents the other evening. Although we had planned to head outside to take pictures, the unbearable heat we've had the past few days kept us indoors. So we just threw open the curtains, cranked up the ISO to 3200, hopped on the bed and started shooting! Here are a few of my favorites from the beginning of our session.... P&M enjoy!




Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jeepers, Creepers...

In my opinion, it's all about the eyes. Big, round, beautiful, innocent, smiling eyes that see every day as a brand new adventure. I love it when I'm able to crop out the clutter and noise and just let those gorgeous peepers tell the story. Here are a few from a session I am just finishing up of three wonderfully sweet and energetic cousins. Enjoy!




Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky.....

It's amazing to me how much you can do with an image of beautiful sleeping baby and few hours to fidget in photoshop. A little over exposure here, a little heavy vignetting there and voila - you've got some fun images. Check out these I just finished for the G family!




Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brand New....

I thought it would be fitting for me to announce my new blog, with a new post about some new additions! Here are a few birth announcement concepts I have been working on. I love the ones with patterns - but I think the minimalist ones with nothing but birth info and beautiful babies are my favorite! What do you think?





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