Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wedding Bells A Ringing....

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I have been in Indiana the past ten days for my little sister Emily's wedding. Even though I schlepped my camera through airport security for the trip, I was so preoccupied with being the matron of honor that I didn't snap one photo during the entire weekend. Thank goodness my sister had a wonderful friend, Megan King (www.megelaine.com), who happens to be a fantastic wedding photographer there to document the event. I cannot wait to see the proofs! Here is one of the happy couple that she posted on her blog....


I am really hoping Megan got some good shots of my husband seating my mother at the beginning of the ceremony as well as some of my kiddos (the ring bearer and flower girl) walking down the aisle with me. This would of course be right before Riley passed out on Ryan's shoulder during the ceremony, started running a fever and then threw up all over herself in the car on the way to the reception causing Jake (who has the world's strongest gag reflex) to do the same on his little velvet jacket and herringbone pants. What can I say, we Purdys know how to party....

I did whip out the camera to grab a few pics during our visit the following week. Here are a few of my favorites of the kids and my parents. Needless to say, both Jake and Riley were missing Nana and Papa yesterday morning....





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