Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome to Feb-blog-ruary....

I know, I know..... I am such a blog tease. Almost six weeks ago, I posted a note about how I was SO thankful to be done with the Christmas rush and that I had SO many pictures to share from the last six weeks and I was SO excited to do that over the next few days..... and here we are, a month and a half later and not a single peep from little ol' me. Sure, I could list of a number of things that have kept me busy - Christmas shopping, Christmas cooking, Christmas itself, housing in-laws, traveling home for my sister's wedding, tending to sick kiddos, being PREGNANT - but these would all just be excuses, right? So, this is what I have decided - in order to rectify this tragic blog neglect, I have dedicated the entire month of February to blogging. For the next 28 days, I will be flawless - posting something interesting and witty every single day..... Are you ready for it? Game on....

PS- I thought this would be an appropriate image to kick off the month- a self-portrait taken a few days ago- gotta love the buddha belly....



Sara D. said...

Bring it on girl...

Gayle said...

Okay, seriously, I love the self-belly shot. You are hilarious!

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